Kasa EP25 works in Kasa app automations, but not in HomeKit automations

Kasa EP25 works in Kasa app automations, but not in HomeKit automations

Kasa EP25 works in Kasa app automations, but not in HomeKit automations
Kasa EP25 works in Kasa app automations, but not in HomeKit automations
2 weeks ago
Model: EP25P4  
Hardware Version:
Firmware Version:

I just bought a pack of Kasa Ep25 to use in my home.  Included in the package are barcodes for Homekit (in addition to the barcodes on the side of each unit).  I'm able to scan the homekit barcode and successfully add the device to homekit.  I see the status in Homekit, and can manually switch it on and off in Homekit.  However, if I add my device to a Homekit automation - it does not work (I have it set to turn on a set time, and it does not).  if I test the Homekit automation using the "test" button - it will work as expect.  However no matter how many ways I adjust the timing - it never turns on.  I have confirmed the automation is configured to turn the device ON (not just have the device included, it is set to ON), and the time and timezone are correct.  The automation is also set to run every day.


Whats most confusing, if I go into the Kasa app, I can see the device (it auto-detects it after adding to homekit), and I can control the device from Kasa app.  From the Kasa app - I can setup Smart actions for the same time triggers - and it WILL work from the Kasa app.


Does anyone know why the automations from the Home app will not control the device correctly when Homekit is aware of the device and able to control it manually?
