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Forums/ Kasa App and Integrations
2023-01-19 14:47:51
Re:New Kasa App broken for iPhone iOS 16 users
@Rocketman77777 aaaand... 5 minutes later my wall switch stopped working is unrecognized again...... let's just say there is something still broken in the software.... I'll wait to post again until I...
Forums/ Kasa App and Integrations
2023-01-19 14:25:58
Re:New Kasa App broken for iPhone iOS 16 users
Aargh, never mind…. Just delete the Kasa App and reinstall all your devices and rebuild your scenes again on Alexa.
Forums/ Kasa App and Integrations
2023-01-19 14:04:12
Re:New Kasa App broken for iPhone iOS 16 users
Well my Kasa devices stopped working several weeks ago and I just now took time to troubleshoot.....I see that The Kasa app is broke and Alexa no longer supports Kasa. I see this started in October,...