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Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2024-03-13 01:06:10
Re:KS230 in a 4-way switch
@4wayman I have two 3 way switches with three 4 way in between. I just used a kasa 3 way smart switch replacing one of the 3 ways. Works every time for me. No companion switch or anything.
Forums/ Kasa Cameras
2024-03-13 01:00:32
Re:"This Device is no longer associated with its previous account" unable to get past message
@Shoitaan I had one camera stay on too. So weird. Eventually all other cameras magically reappeard and all work fine.
Forums/ Kasa Cameras
2024-03-07 18:35:55
Re:"This Device is no longer associated with its previous account" unable to get past message
@Fayko got this message on 5 cameras today. Now they have all dropped off my app. I cannot see any of them. Did anyone find out what is going on?
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2023-10-09 22:53:07
Re:KS230 in a 4-way switch
@DarkAngela Don't touch the 4 ways, just replace the 3 way switch with the KS230.....done.
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2023-10-09 22:51:41
Re:KS230 in a 4-way switch
@TH13 In a 3 way/4way setting, all you have to do is change out the 3 way switch at the end of the run and it will work for the whole string. Don't touch the 4way switch at all. The 4 way switch has...