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Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2019-01-02 15:58:57
Re:How do I use a spare HS210 3 way switch on a single pole?
3 way switches have always worked for single pole circuits going back 100 years. Smart switches are not unique to this. It's just completing a circuit. It's not "outside of the intended use of the...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2019-01-01 16:23:46
Re:How do I use a spare HS210 3 way switch on a single pole?
Update... I just added the spare HS210 switch to a single pole circuit and added it to Kasa as a new switch and everything works perfectly. I have no idea why a TP-Link Support employee would...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2018-12-28 18:18:25
Re:How do I use a spare HS210 3 way switch on a single pole?
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2018-12-28 17:52:40
Re:How do I use a spare HS210 3 way switch on a single pole?
Then how are people making it work? After posting, I've found even more posts from people who've done it. Even several Amazon reviews of people who used the HS210 on a single pole. Here's just one......
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2018-12-27 19:06:24
How do I use a spare HS210 3 way switch on a single pole?
I got a HS210 Kit for a 3 way setup but one of the switches had no common so I couldn't install it there which is no big deal since they work fine with just one. I've read that you can use the HS210...