Wi-Fi Routers
2023-06-21 22:53:16
@random_guy What SSID are you connecting too, the 2.4 or 5Ghz SSID? If the 2.4Ghz, that speed is probably accurate, need to use the 5Ghz band to reach over 300+Mbps usually. Also, you were not too...
Wi-Fi Routers
2023-06-03 21:53:00
@lesm I have zero problems with my iPad Pro 2018 model? Nor with my iPhone 12 Pro. I've switched routers at least 3 times on them, an A20 X55 Mesh, and now an AX55 which is also an AX3000. Only...
Wi-Fi Routers
2023-06-03 21:12:57
lesm wrote @IrvSp What I'm asking for is a way to convert the binary backup file into an ascii xml file like those in old routers. @lesm Well, you did ask for comparing Binary files No, not that I...
Wi-Fi Routers
2023-06-03 19:12:44
@lesm Google "compare binary files" and you'll find many. If on Windows, even FC will do it for you with /b: C:\>fc /? Compares two files or sets of files and displays the differences between them FC...
Wi-Fi Routers
2023-06-03 19:08:28
@lesm You using the SAME SSID for both units, then if so, on the iPad FORGET the network, should fix it. Suspect some data from the old setup is saved and used for the new one if the SSID is the same?
Wi-Fi Routers
2023-06-03 19:05:05
@troutusa troutusa wrote My PC (Dell Inspiron 3670) uses a Qualcomm QCA9565 802.1 1b/g/n Wireless adapter. Well, according to this link,...