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Forums/ Routers
By Clive_A 2024-09-03 03:52:09

Omada Router SNMP Walk

Background: This post provides a list of SNMP walks of the ER8411. This Article Applies to: Omada routers. OID: <?xml version="1.0"?> <SnmpSimulatorData> <Instances > <!-- sysContact.0 --> <Instance n
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By ffsb 2024-06-13 19:41:59

reverse dns lookup to populate names in OMADA SDN

just a small note for people who would like to get the omada SDN to populate names automatically based on their local DNS... here is my small script which seems to do the trick while waiting for TPlin
Forums/ Controllers
By test01 2023-04-24 08:21:42

VPN connection between two routers ER8411 and ER7206 via omada

We tried to establish a Site-to-Site IPSec vpn connection between these two routers. The connection is established but there is no traffic passing.
Forums/ Routers
By ajayt 2023-01-23 12:39:05


We are struggling for past 15 days to get support from TP_LINK INDIA I need urgent support on the issues we are facing with TP Link Router ER8411. 1. The Firewall Access Control list dont work. 2. The
Forums/ Routers
By weewillywinky 2023-01-18 20:21:41

ER8411 VPN Client broken

So i have had the new ER8411 for a few days and most things seem to be working ok except a big one is the lack of vpn. Controller will allow you to create a new vpn and configure and even save but it
Forums/ WiFi
By nutzich 2022-05-23 10:21:11

Firmwareupdate for EAP235-wall v1

Hello TP-Link, will there be a Firmwareupdate for the EAP235-wall in the near future. Main things are: - PPSK is apparently not working or not implemented yet - Channel utilization only shows busy and