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Forums/ Routers
By ticedoff8 2024-07-02 20:45:13

How to setup 2 ISP "redundant" connections on ER7206

I've been using the ER7206 for a while as a simple FW / Router with 1 ISP. I now have two ISPs: ISP-New is fiber (1Gbps symetrical) and ISP-Old (300Mbps down / 100Mbps up) and I would like to use both
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By Kevin_Z 2021-07-14 06:41:11

VPN Client on Wi-Fi Router Is Not Working

This Article Applies to: All the Wi-Fi Routers that support VPN Client, such as Archer AX20, Archer AX21, Archer AX90, etc. Issue Description/Phenomenon: The Wi-Fi Routers that are being discussed her
Forums/ Controllers
By Fae 2023-09-20 04:25:24

Omada Software Controller_V5.12.7 (Released on Sep 20th, 2023)

This Article Applies to Omada_SDN_Controller_v5.12.7_Windows (Windows 7/8/10/11/Server, 64bit Recommended) Omada_SDN_Controller_v5.12.7_Linux_x64.tar.gz (Ubuntu 16.04/18.04/20.04, Debian 8/9/10, CentO
Forums/ Controllers
By Fae 2023-09-20 03:57:17

Omada Hardware Controller_V5.12.9 (Released on Sep 19th, 2023)

This Article Applies to OC200(UN)_V1_1.26.3_Build 20230906 (Built-in Omada SDN Controller 5.12.9) OC200(UN)_V2_2.11.3_Build 20230906 (Built-in Omada SDN Controller 5.12.9) OC300(UN)_V1_1.19.3_Build 20
Forums/ Controllers
By Fae 2023-08-18 11:06:40

Omada SDN Controller_V5.12 (Updated on Sep 20th, 2023) [Thread Closed]

Update as of Sep 20, 2023: Thank you all for your valuable feedback on the Omada SDN Controller V5.12 Beta! The 5.12 beta has been updated to official release, and this early access post is locked for
Forums/ WiFi
By HomeAdmin 2023-06-27 10:37:05

US AP DFS Support definitive answer @FAE

Fae, can you please publish a list of APs that have DFS support in the US? It seems hard to find. Thanks!