2021-02-13 15:49:02
Some MAJOR problems with VPN setup (Using TL-R605)
Hi, there are few very important problems with VPN setup I'd like to emphasize for upcoming builds: 1. VPN password is shown as clear text in the VPN user list 2. Possibility to limit VPN access via I
2021-09-27 18:51:05
L2TP VPN setup
I have a site to site IPSEC tunnel setup to connect to a Teletonika 3g/4g router - all working well no problems. I also would like the ability for users to be able to dial in with a L2TP connection. W
2021-09-22 10:57:04
Now I have been actively using the whole system and not just the wireless side a few observations from me where improvement could be made. Seems to be nowhere that will give any information about what
2021-02-17 18:58:03
OC200 Controller going offline randomly lately?
Since a couple of weeks ago, I noticed my OC 200 controller has been disconnecting from cloud access randomly at least once a day. The OC200 is plugged to a new TL-R605 router since about a month ago
2021-09-19 17:23:41
TR-069 implementation - feature request
I have put this as an OC200 feature, but it may be more related to the routers/gateway. Whatever it would be useful to have TR-069 implemented especially for where the gateway is connected to a modem
2021-09-17 21:54:20
Stats for VPN tunnels
Is there anywhere within the system that some stats, data throughput etc can be seen for VPN tunnels - site to site. You can see the link status and details but there is no real time information that