Change wifi channel on Deco M9

Change wifi channel on Deco M9

411 Reply
Re:Change wifi channel on Deco M9
2020-05-04 01:26:05 - last edited 2020-05-04 01:42:52

@Cornel I have the same right now: Ch 7 (2.4GHz) Ch 44 (5GHz) ANd right now my amazon firestick is not seeing any network but my phone and PC are. Ch 44 has 1 red star... I wish there was a way to reset this thing and get it to pick some other channel....any channel. 


I have until May 31st to return it but I'm ready to pack it up tonight.....



I know software development takes time, as I'm a tester.   But I'm about to return my unit...and people here have been complaining about this for quite some time.

At this point, its way past time to escalate this issue and move it to the top of your sprints.

I'll be making sure my amazon review reflects this major issue....Like I said Its not even switching channels automatically.  
I don't think we want simple!....your customers need this level of control for when issues happen.



Re:Change wifi channel on Deco M9
2020-05-06 07:51:36 - last edited 2020-05-12 20:56:16

@Hami Agreed I am now experiencing issues with my M5 setups 5Ghz since updating to firmware 1.4.4, it is stuck on channel 44, which is also in use by both next door neigbours Virgin routers too, this is dropping my 100Mb speedtests to a paltry 0.5 - 10mbs on 5Ghz, I have swapped the main deco unit for another, I have completly reset all decos and rebuilt my network, it lasts a few days and boom 5Ghz is unusable again, all I can do now is turn that band off completely and rely on 2.4Ghz, which is also saturated with many networks, and the deco always seems to choose the same channels as those in use too!!!!



@Kevin_Z WHEN WILL THIS be introduced even a reply of 'it will be available in firmware x.x' would be useful than 'its under consideration'!!?


I am checking now to see if these are still under refundable terms with amazon!!!




Re:Change wifi channel on Deco M9
2020-05-06 18:20:45 - last edited 2020-05-06 18:22:41

@Kevin_Z  @TP-Link Deco 

Please release an update on the situation.

release a new firmware or beta firmware with this functionality 

Re:Change wifi channel on Deco M9
2020-05-07 12:14:36 - last edited 2020-05-07 12:16:30

Purchased the P9 earlier in the week to solve some signal issues in a new house. Went with the tp-link over a ubiqiti system based on amazon reviews. It's nice to be reminded how dumb I am sometimes. 

After seeing some connection stability issues right off the bat it was pretty easy to pinpoint channel overlap with nearby routers. Oh good, easy fix. 

Easy because it's just about the most basic and common WiFi issue on the planet thats based on one of the simplest ideas in radio signals- frequency allocation. 

Only for some reason there's no way to change the channel. I genuicannot believe that TP-Link has decided that their customer base is so absolutely stupid that they shouldn't be able to manage the simplest of WiFi configurations. It really goes to show their ideal customer base which apparently mirrors their ideal developer. If it's set to configure automatically it would take 2 lines of code that my first grader could write to fix. A ui tweak on the app might take a day at the most and just because TP-Link doesn't want to screw the pooch again, let's say it spends an entire sprint in QA. We're looking at the absolute most about 2 weeks of work. Pretty obvious that their development is offshored and with the going rate of development in let's say-- Vietnam - we might be looking at $1500ish in development and design costs. 

2 weeks. 2 lines of code. $1500. Someone on their product team is a complete moron for not prioritizing such a cheap and easy fix. 


Not only is TP-Link calling us all stupid, they're spitting in our faces, stealing our money and telling us we don't matter. 

Back to Ubiqiti and spreading the word. 

Re:Re:Change wifi channel on Deco M9
2020-05-12 14:04:47

One year on and nothing.

Re:Change wifi channel on Deco M9
2020-05-12 18:48:59

Oh dear. I came here to learn how to change the channel as I thought it was me being stupid for not being able to find it. Only to find this thread.. 


I think I'll be returning the units as I have very little hope that there will be a quick fix when I read this. Speed et cetera is great but the channel management is horrible! It always picks the worst channel available or even a channel my devices can't pick up for some reason. 

@TP-Link this is about as basic as it gets... fix this! Soon! 

Re:Change wifi channel on Deco M9
2020-05-13 08:32:01

Come on tp-link 


feel like I have bought a unsupported outdated bit of kit


please remove thy digit and give this expensive kit some love 💓 and for fill your promise of a a updated firmware the uses feel like second class citizens without help left alone in these troubled time 



m5 users get firmware update why don't we get the same treatment is this product so bad as you cannot get the firmware to work if it is the issue a product recall of all the defective M9 units



a disgruntled user


Re:Change wifi channel on Deco M9
2020-05-13 14:51:18

Buying the Deco M9 was a huge mistake (so was not browsing these forums before purchase :-D).


It's ridiculous that we can't change any advanced features on a product that is in this price range.


TP-Link, fix this, listen to your customers.

Re:Change wifi channel on Deco M9
2020-05-13 14:55:13

They keep promising to forward to R&D but yet after months of empty promises nothing has happened.


I will say again that if anyone readiong this has the ability to still return their Deco products I would suggest you do so and choose a better option

Re:Change wifi channel on Deco M9
2020-05-14 19:49:34

This thread makes for a miserable read and makes me realise that buying a Deco was a bad idea. The support here from TP-Link is truly terrible indecision



Feature Request
Channel and channel width
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