Deco M9 Plus in AP mode taking over DHCP server and assigning IPs in own subnet

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Deco M9 Plus in AP mode taking over DHCP server and assigning IPs in own subnet

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123 Reply
Re:Deco M9 Plus in AP mode taking over DHCP server and assigning IPs in own subnet
2020-04-02 22:17:39


That sucks. I really like the device's aesthetic, no complaint about performance as well. But a power outage once in a while and the whole house goes nuts! I'll wait a while to see if they release a fix for this. Thanks for the reply though.

Re:Deco M9 Plus in AP mode taking over DHCP server and assigning IPs in own subnet
2020-04-08 02:14:02


I have just found this thread after having the same problem!!!! I don't believe that TP-Link engineers have not resolved this issue that has been going on for some 8 months+???

I Purchased the Deco M9 Plus (3 Pack) 4 days ago, installed them & my network is trashed due to this so-called "SMART DHCP" feature, if I had known about this problem I would never have purchsed these.

Is there a fix yet? If not I will be requesting to return these units to TP-Link Australia for full refund of all costs.

Note, that under Australian Consumer Law (ACCC) if a product is not fit for purpose, the vendor is obliged to take back & refund all costs.

Being an IT professional for some 40+ years, running networks across Australia & New Zealand, I am at a loss that a company like TP-Link cannot resolve this Issue.

Re:Deco M9 Plus in AP mode taking over DHCP server and assigning IPs in own subnet
2020-04-08 06:18:07

@Martin_OZ  yeah. Pretty amazing huh.

Re:Re:Deco M9 Plus in AP mode taking over DHCP server and assigning IPs in own subnet
2020-04-08 11:01:00

@nobru26 I have the same issue with the Deco-P9. It is frustrating because if it works it is really performant but the AP mode is not stable and therefore useless. 

Out of a legal point of view, is this a reason to claim some warranty? If a vendor does not provide what is promises?

Re:Re:Deco M9 Plus in AP mode taking over DHCP server and assigning IPs in own subnet
2020-04-09 12:10:38











Earth calling Kevin.


Please could you show some customer support interest in providing an update on what is happening with a firmware update to remove this catastrophic DHCP feature.

Re:Deco M9 Plus in AP mode taking over DHCP server and assigning IPs in own subnet
2020-04-15 08:49:24



For the love of god...


Could somebody PLEASE get somebody overhere, to atleast pretend, that a fu*k is given by Tp-Link? A highend device, I have 10 of these. It again fu*ked up my whole network. Is it so hard, to make a button for such a stupid algorythm, so it can be disabled? I mean no numbers or words can describe what an incredibly stupid idea it is to make this "smart dhcp" of yours act like that. It takes what, five minutes of time with three lines of code to get this solved?


Or are we in some pocket-dimension in which te M9 Plus has teleported us so our problems are not heard by anyone? I swear to god, if this does not get some deserved attention very soon, I will make a bot to write to every tp-link email address I can find. I will call every phone number and ask about this. I will talk to everyone in IT (and believe me, I know a lot of people) to never use TP-Link again and make sure I describe this ubelievable story draging itself for months now!

Re:Deco M9 Plus in AP mode taking over DHCP server and assigning IPs in own subnet
2020-04-15 21:53:15



Ive been reading the various post about this issue and have to admit I have not yet experienced the problems you and others describe.


My main router is Synology RT2600ac. I reboot it (approx weekly), but have never seen the deco start issuing IP addresses in the manner you describe so not really sure under what circumstances it occurs?


I count myself lucky I guess but can imagine how frustrating it must be.

-- Deco X50-POE user
Re:Deco M9 Plus in AP mode taking over DHCP server and assigning IPs in own subnet
2020-04-16 11:56:51 - last edited 2020-04-16 11:57:29


Don't quite get the point of this post if I am honest. If everyone was to reply on threads, confirming they did not experience the specific issue being reported, it wouldn't really be of great help to those who really are experiencing the issue.

Re:Deco M9 Plus in AP mode taking over DHCP server and assigning IPs in own subnet
2020-04-16 12:00:06





Could not agree more with this post.


Just amazing to see the lack of interest and engagement from tp-link support in helping out customers with this problem.


Still can't come to terms with the fact that product design, technical engineering, QA & testing at tp-link thought this would be a good idea. Baffling.


Re:Deco M9 Plus in AP mode taking over DHCP server and assigning IPs in own subnet
2020-05-10 00:17:33



Yup add another one to the list. It's been driving me crazy lately with the Deco units taking over DHCP if the router goes away! 


Didn't take me long to realise it was the Deco units, but every time my router reboots (usually after a firmware update, or my family has to do some network troubleshooting and reboots it, or a power outage!) the deco units take over and the network splits. 


Then we have to go through the process of powering off the Deco, then power cycle the router, wait, then power on the deco. 


As mentioned before, both fustrating to do, and not really something for the non IT family to have to learn! 


Quite disappointed that the issue has yet to be fixed after over 12 months since first reported. I was about to go and get a tp-link 24 port gigabit switch (to replace the d-link that taught me all about  IEEE 1905.1 and my hair pulling when setting up the deco unit!)...... but maybe I'll hold off on that until I know faults get fixed! 


Otherwise the bang for buck on these Deco units is great, the wifi coverage is excellent, nice small good looking units, dual ethernet. 


Almost perfect! Frustratingly not. 

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