tl wpa281 v3 changed network name and now it acts strange
the tlwpa 281 was working perfectly until I changed the network name it was not originally "HomeplugAV" even though thats the default it said unkown network name then I changed it. now I cant change the ip or subnet mask and when I try it chooses a completly random ip that begins with 169.254.x.xand changes the subnet mask back to and it wont let me update the firmware. if i make a change that requires a reboot it it chooses a completly random ip and changes the subnet mask back to so factory reset does not work I have had this problem before and I have no clue how it fixed
edit: got it working the reason it choose random ip adresses was because it couldnt get one from the modem changing the location fixed it but I cant use it without the network name being "unkown network name" i dont really care its a small issueso moving it and putting iot backed worked