Uses for the two ports on a Deco X90
I have a pair of Deco X90 units, running in "router" operational mode.
On each unit, there are two LAN-ports: 1 Gbps and 2.5 Gbps.
The primary unit is placed where the fiber optics media converter is located, and its 2.5 Gbps LAN port is connected to the WAN.
The secondary unit is placed in my office and is connected (using the 2.5 Gbps port) to a switching hub, creating a wired network in that room.
Questions regarding the primary Deco node:
- Is it in any way configurable which LAN port should be connected to the WAN (the dangerous "outside")?
- Does the unit somehow detect which port is connected to a WAN, and not a LAN?
- What would happen if I moved the WAN cable from the 2.5 Gbps port to the 1 Gbps one?
- Can the other port be used for something?
Questions regarding the secondary Deco node:
- Can both port be used to connect wired units to the LAN?