
Web UI Configuration


Web UI Configuration

490 Reply
RE:Web UI Configuration
2025-01-30 17:12:46

Another vote for the need for a proper web interface.  Just bought the BE9300 mesh system.  Will be sending it back most likely.  I thought - given the price - I was buying a serious product.  It turns out to be a cut-down mickey mouse router without advanced options in the app and a non-functional web interface which isn't even worth loading.  As these requests have been made - and ignored - for three years, I guess the resounding message from TP-Link is "we don't care at all what our customers think, so just go away and shut up."

RE:Web UI Configuration
2025-01-31 16:36:08
Just tried to use the webui to configure parents router...nope, guess I have to get on a plane, rent a care, drive to the farm, and use the app....
Re:Web UI Configuration
2025-02-11 06:30:18

  @TP-Link Hi Developer,  It Has been long, Deco M4(us v2)  still expecting full web ui, at least Wifi Channel selection process with bandwidth selection and mac  filtering with white list and black list, bandwidth allocation as per client..  I know this all is software based, I noticed you have written deco mesh firmware almost blank without most urgent features, If you can't allow us  to get advance feature from web ui then just specify it on the Router box so that customers can know before buying it,  This year we are waiting for those features for Deco M4 and others model also. Thank you 

RE:Web UI Configuration
2025-02-17 19:17:46
Web UI is a must.
Re:Web UI Configuration
3 weeks ago

@TP-Link Since all we have to work with is a mobile app, can you tell me how I can change the DHCP settings on the Deco Mesh when the app fails to show anything when I try to access the DHCP and Address Reservation options (it spins for a while, then returns to the menu)?


Wouldn't a plain, stupidly-easy-to-create web page be helpful then?



RE:Web UI Configuration
3 weeks ago
It's ridiculous that we still have to ask for such basic functionality, after years of complaints on this thread...
RE:Web UI Configuration
2 weeks ago
While having the Deco App is great, the web interface would be more preferable as the deco app does not update in real time.
Re:Web UI Configuration
a week ago

  @TP-Link I agree that we need more granular configuration options available from the Web UI.

[ I ♥ TP-Link ] >
Re:Web UI Configuration
a week ago

I am among those who much prefer to a web based UI.  I hope you will provide one soon.  @TP-Link 

Re:Web UI Configuration
a week ago



You may as well return the product to amazon or wherever else you purchased it or sell it to someone else as these people do not care what their customer base wants in a product.

They produce cheap spyware based products and with this product they get a two for one deal. They can spy both on your web use from the router and your cell phone with the embedded app and feed all your info back to the CCP. That is what the company was set up for after all.

