How to choose wich Deco my device connects to?
I've been using TP-Link Deco products for quite a few years by now. I have both X60 and M5 in use at home, and have been generally happy with them since the day 1. I am commanding them via the iPhone app. The problem I have is that it seems to be rather difficult to convince a device to get their connection from another Deco instead. For example one of my laptops insists connecting on an M5 that is couple rooms away, even if I have a perfectly well functioning X60 next to it (less than a meter away). The iPhone app doesn't seem to provide an option to command the device to connect to a certain Deco in my mesh network?
I would love to have better control over which device connects to which Deco in my network. Now the connections seem suboptimal, and often devices have poor NW reception at where they are located.
And yes, I've used all the features available on the app, like the QoS and Wi-Fi optimization features.I regularly update the devices, although only the years before acquired M5 seem to be getting updates anymore. O.o
I'm running both networks, 5GHz and 2,4.
The one M5 in use is at 1.7.6 build 20240305
X60's are at 1.5.3 Build 20231227