Archer T4U V3 ping spikes
I bought myself an "Archer T4U V3" nearly two weeks ago and it worked perfectly in the first week after I installed the corresponding drivers (Driver).
After that one week, which was like three or four days ago, the problem started. I booted up my PC and started an online game (Rocket league),
I went into a match but couldn't really play because I was getting disconnects and reconnect from the server like every 5 seconds.
So I rebooted my PC but the problem persisted. I unistalled the driver and reinstalled it but other then rebooting my PC after the installation ,like it says in the text box,
I just continued and it worked perfectly fine until I shut down my PC and booted it back up the next day. The problem was back.
So I issued a continous ping to my default gateway (same problem with every other ip e.g and saw that every 9th sometimes every 8th ping packet returns with around 2000ms other then the other ones which are 1 or 2ms and sometimes the packet goes completely lost.
I uploaded a video of my problem which can be found here.
I asked my father if he had seen something like that before, so I tried changing my MTU size but with no success.
I would be more than thankful if somebody could help me otherwise I am gonna have to refund the adapter at the store.