Parental control
Setting parental control works good, the selected device is indeed cut of from WiFi after the set maximum allowed time. However, it is unclear to me how to disable the parental control when I want to allow the device to use WiFi again. Pressing the pause-icon of the profile gives the text ‘Internet paused’. Strange, while the use of internet was already paused. Pressing the play-icon gives the text ‘Succesful’. What is the succes? Is the parentel control activated succesfully so WiFi can’t be used anymore? Strange, while internet was already paused. In both situations, both in paused as well as while succesfull, no data was received on the selected device. Only after deleting the parental control profile, data was received by the device again.
So my question is: How should I use the pause and play icon within a parental control profile?
Thank for your structural reply and advise.
Kind regards, Herman