Wireless/Wired backhaul dropping to solid yellow light
When I add the second Deco to my network (wireless backhaul) it connects and shows up in the app. After a few seconds it drops off and the light goes from green to solid yellow. Sometimes it will return to green, sometimes it will go to blinking red. But either way after a while it goes back to solid yellow.
My setup is 15 feet apart to testr them so the distance is not the issue.
If the light is green and I plug in the ethernet cable to enable the wired backhaul, it goes to solid yellow also.
Can someone provide some feedback on what i should check and what settings in the app I might change for it to work? Below is how it is setup.
ISP Router ====Wired=======> Deco1 Port3 <--------wireless------------> Deco2
When I pull the log I am seeing this error
Sat Aug 26 23:58:18 2023 user.warn smartip: [lan] Maybe ethernet inferface eth2 is not valid!
Sat Aug 26 23:58:19 2023 user.warn smartip: [lan] IOCTL error:No such device