Windows server 2016 TX 401 Not working
I've installed a new TX401 networkcard in the windows server 2016.
But it is not working propperly, this is the error:
Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39)
{Driver Entry Point Not Found}
The %hs device driver could not locate the entry point %hs in driver %hs.
This error comes from Device manager, and the adapter is reconized but the driver is not loaded.
I've tried to uninstall hardware and Drivers and reinstall but same error as an result
When i try to connect a networkcable it does not work.
Please provide some support,
I just checked when i install hardware without any firmware installed, i get it working. When i go to device manager en check at driver tab:
Driverpovider: Aquantia (version
So it is not a hardware issue.
Please still provide some support for latest firmware and get it working.