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Why is it impossible to reduce the transmit power of the router TP-LINK TL-WR741ND?
Why is it impossible to reduce the transmit power of the router TP-LINK TL-WR741ND?
Why is it impossible to reduce the transmit power of the router TP-LINK TL-WR741ND?
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2016-09-11 05:53:12
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Why is it impossible to reduce the transmit power of the router TP-LINK TL-WR741ND?
2016-09-11 05:53:12
Model :
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Why is it impossible to reduce the transmit power of the router TP-LINK TL-WR741ND?
This setting is available in all default routers TP-LINK, except models TL-WR741 and TL-WR740 since v.4
Model version v.1 and v.2, this adjustment had on the menu, and the transmitter power is adjusted !!!
And since routers v.4, their power control is not in the menu !!!
Dear developers TP-Link, you that ofanareli? As you consciously release clearly unsafe for the health unit, which is not possible to reduce the output power depending on the installation site?
How does this all mean? Where is the logic in TP-LINK products? All that newer must be better and safer, and not vice versa. What is pursued manufacturer, removing the machine power control? And thus depriving users of buyers comfortable and safe use of their product.
This is equivalent to the production of television sets, to set the maximum brightness and contrast, and without the possibility of its lower, that is, without adjustment.
The company TP-LINK is simply obliged to provide on its website a new firmware to fix his marriage in the safe use of the router, regardless of whether the producer of the data model routers or not supported.
On routers from version v.4 , we, the users of your hazardous routers expect from the developers of the company TP-Link firmware (software), with the addition of a menu item "Transmit Power" .
Or the company TP-Link, is required to organize on the basis of AC-centers, exchange of defective routers without adjusting the radiation power to other routers, where the mandatory function "Transmit Power" is present.
TP-Link, waiting for fix your marriage.
P.S. Cheapest routers "netis", which are sold for $ 8, and they have a soft adjustment of transmitter power.
TP-Link, are not you ashamed to harm the health of the people?
Hardware Version :
Firmware Version :
Why is it impossible to reduce the transmit power of the router TP-LINK TL-WR741ND?
This setting is available in all default routers TP-LINK, except models TL-WR741 and TL-WR740 since v.4
Model version v.1 and v.2, this adjustment had on the menu, and the transmitter power is adjusted !!!
And since routers v.4, their power control is not in the menu !!!
Dear developers TP-Link, you that ofanareli? As you consciously release clearly unsafe for the health unit, which is not possible to reduce the output power depending on the installation site?
How does this all mean? Where is the logic in TP-LINK products? All that newer must be better and safer, and not vice versa. What is pursued manufacturer, removing the machine power control? And thus depriving users of buyers comfortable and safe use of their product.
This is equivalent to the production of television sets, to set the maximum brightness and contrast, and without the possibility of its lower, that is, without adjustment.
The company TP-LINK is simply obliged to provide on its website a new firmware to fix his marriage in the safe use of the router, regardless of whether the producer of the data model routers or not supported.
On routers from version v.4 , we, the users of your hazardous routers expect from the developers of the company TP-Link firmware (software), with the addition of a menu item "Transmit Power" .
Or the company TP-Link, is required to organize on the basis of AC-centers, exchange of defective routers without adjusting the radiation power to other routers, where the mandatory function "Transmit Power" is present.
TP-Link, waiting for fix your marriage.
P.S. Cheapest routers "netis", which are sold for $ 8, and they have a soft adjustment of transmitter power.
TP-Link, are not you ashamed to harm the health of the people?
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Re:Why is it impossible to reduce the transmit power of the router TP-LINK TL-WR741ND?
2016-09-13 16:45:11
as I know,the transmit power is
Meeting Standards ,it will not do harm to your health, the router's transmit power is much leeeeeesssssss than your mobile phone.
people normally like strong wifi signal,if you still worry about it ,just place it far away
people normally like strong wifi signal,if you still worry about it ,just place it far away
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Re:Why is it impossible to reduce the transmit power of the router TP-LINK TL-WR741ND?
2016-09-14 07:30:13
Compare routers with mobile phones are considered inappropriate, they are different products with different
mode of operation. In the mobile phone has its own forum, i am a user of routers TP-Link.
I turned on the TP-Link forum to notify developers
TP-Link products on nadopustimosti their neglect of safety in the use of routers
TL-WR741ND / 740N v.4 / 5, due to a lack item "Transmit Power" in the router menu.
All products of routers TP-Link company standard are "Transmit Power" menu item.
Why only these same routers TL-WR741ND / 740N v.4 / 5, do not have in the menu item "Transmit Power", and does not correspond to
common standard?
Many users router TL-WR741ND / 740N v.4 / 5 expected from producer TP-Link, the software (firmware) to fix
this marriage, and the appearance of the menu router v.4 / 5 points "Wireless Advanced -> Transmit Power".
TP-Link, users carefully waiting for the software to "Transmit Power" for TL-WR741ND / 740N v.4 / 5 !
mode of operation. In the mobile phone has its own forum, i am a user of routers TP-Link.
I turned on the TP-Link forum to notify developers
TP-Link products on nadopustimosti their neglect of safety in the use of routers
TL-WR741ND / 740N v.4 / 5, due to a lack item "Transmit Power" in the router menu.
All products of routers TP-Link company standard are "Transmit Power" menu item.
Why only these same routers TL-WR741ND / 740N v.4 / 5, do not have in the menu item "Transmit Power", and does not correspond to
common standard?
Many users router TL-WR741ND / 740N v.4 / 5 expected from producer TP-Link, the software (firmware) to fix
this marriage, and the appearance of the menu router v.4 / 5 points "Wireless Advanced -> Transmit Power".
TP-Link, users carefully waiting for the software to "Transmit Power" for TL-WR741ND / 740N v.4 / 5 !
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Re:Why is it impossible to reduce the transmit power of the router TP-LINK TL-WR741ND?
2016-09-18 06:07:49
Кто меня постояно блокирует , вам что , нечего делать ?
Это международный главный официальный сайт TP-Link
, здесь обращаются к представителям компании TP-Link в решении проблем с их оборудованием и устранении
недостатков , ошибок и брака в оборудовании TP-Link !
Или кому-то не нравятся неудобные вопросы и законные требования по исправлению недостатков , багов и ошибок разработчиков
оборудования TP-Link ?
Уважаемая компания TP-Link , когда вы предоставите на вашем сайте прошивку для роутеров TL-WR741ND/740N v.4/5 со стандартным пунктом
в меню "Transmit Power" ?
Вы можете ответить здесь , для всех , на этот простой вопрос ?
В торговой сети у нас полно в продаже роутеров TL-WR741ND/740N v.4.2Х/5 , а прошивки нет с пунктом "Transmit Power"
Это международный главный официальный сайт TP-Link
, здесь обращаются к представителям компании TP-Link в решении проблем с их оборудованием и устранении
недостатков , ошибок и брака в оборудовании TP-Link !
Или кому-то не нравятся неудобные вопросы и законные требования по исправлению недостатков , багов и ошибок разработчиков
оборудования TP-Link ?
Уважаемая компания TP-Link , когда вы предоставите на вашем сайте прошивку для роутеров TL-WR741ND/740N v.4/5 со стандартным пунктом
в меню "Transmit Power" ?
Вы можете ответить здесь , для всех , на этот простой вопрос ?
В торговой сети у нас полно в продаже роутеров TL-WR741ND/740N v.4.2Х/5 , а прошивки нет с пунктом "Transmit Power"
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Re:Why is it impossible to reduce the transmit power of the router TP-LINK TL-WR741ND?
2016-09-18 06:09:13
Who I am constantly blocks , you that , nothing to do ?
This is an international master official site TP-Link
, here appeal to the representatives of the company TP-Link in the solution of problems with their equipment and addressing
shortcomings , errors and marriage in equipment TP-Link !
Or someone did not like the inconvenient questions and the legitimate requirements for corrective action , bugs and errors
hardware developer TP-Link ?
Dear company TP-Link , when you provide on your site the firmware for the hot spot TL-WR741ND/740N v.4/5 with a standard item
in the menu "Transmit Power" ?
You can answer here , for all , the simple question ?
In the trade network we fully in the sale of hot spot TL-WR741ND/740N v.4.2Х/5 , and there is no firmware to the Transmit Power."
This is an international master official site TP-Link
, here appeal to the representatives of the company TP-Link in the solution of problems with their equipment and addressing
shortcomings , errors and marriage in equipment TP-Link !
Or someone did not like the inconvenient questions and the legitimate requirements for corrective action , bugs and errors
hardware developer TP-Link ?
Dear company TP-Link , when you provide on your site the firmware for the hot spot TL-WR741ND/740N v.4/5 with a standard item
in the menu "Transmit Power" ?
You can answer here , for all , the simple question ?
In the trade network we fully in the sale of hot spot TL-WR741ND/740N v.4.2Х/5 , and there is no firmware to the Transmit Power."
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Re:Why is it impossible to reduce the transmit power of the router TP-LINK TL-WR741ND?
2016-10-19 09:16:26
Компания TP-Link , когда Вы выложите новую прошивку ( ПО ) , с пунктом в меню "Transmit Power" , для роутеров TL-WR741ND/740N , аппаратных версий v.4.2 и v.5 ?
Почему Вы не разъясняете ситуацию ? Этот сайт вообще читают представители компании TP-Link ? Ответьте уже .
The company TP-Link, when you lay out the new firmware (software), paragraph "Transmit Power" in the menu for the router TL-WR741ND / 740N, hardware version v.4.2 and v.5?
Why you did not clarify the situation? This site is generally read by representatives of TP-Link company? Answer already.
Компания TP-Link , когда Вы выложите новую прошивку ( ПО ) , с пунктом в меню "Transmit Power" , для роутеров TL-WR741ND/740N , аппаратных версий v.4.2 и v.5 ?
Почему Вы не разъясняете ситуацию ? Этот сайт вообще читают представители компании TP-Link ? Ответьте уже .
The company TP-Link, when you lay out the new firmware (software), paragraph "Transmit Power" in the menu for the router TL-WR741ND / 740N, hardware version v.4.2 and v.5?
Why you did not clarify the situation? This site is generally read by representatives of TP-Link company? Answer already.
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Re:Why is it impossible to reduce the transmit power of the router TP-LINK TL-WR741ND?
2016-10-28 09:44:12
it will not do harm to your health
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Re:Why is it impossible to reduce the transmit power of the router TP-LINK TL-WR741ND?
2016-10-28 18:28:14
Absence of the item adjustment of power of the transmitter in the menu router , also makes the work of the unstable ,
as overlap each other channels from other routers.
TP-Link , when you lay out the new firmware (software), paragraph "Transmit Power" in the menu for the router TL-WR741ND / 740N, hardware version v.4.2 and v.5?
as overlap each other channels from other routers.
TP-Link , when you lay out the new firmware (software), paragraph "Transmit Power" in the menu for the router TL-WR741ND / 740N, hardware version v.4.2 and v.5?
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Re:Why is it impossible to reduce the transmit power of the router TP-LINK TL-WR741ND?
2016-11-08 20:38:58
QAQ wrote
it will not do harm to your health
Различают 2 типа биологического воздействия волн СВЧ - диапазона на организм: так называемое термическое
и нетермическое действие. Нетермическое действие проявляется радиоволновой болезнью, характеризую*щейся
астено-вегетативным синдромом и нестойкими изменениями периферической крови вначале, в дальнейшем может
привести к резким колебаниям сосудистого тонуса и диэнцефальному синдрому.
Термическое, или тепловое действие СВЧ - излучения заключается в том, что поток электромагнитных
колебаний, падая на ткани, трансформируется в тепло, вследствие чего температура выше 41 50 0С
наступает гибель (поэтому и медицинские термометры имеют градуировку только до 42 50 0С). При остром
воздействии возможен мгновенный тепловой эффект вплоть до закипания тканевой жидкости организма. Если
поставить под облучатель руку, то воздействие небольшой энергии вызывает ощущение нагревания, при более
продолжительной экспозиции можно можно получить такой ожог, как при неосторожном прикосновении к нагретой
металлической поверхности.
При воздействия волн СВЧ страдают в основном органы, которые содержат много воды, к примеру - печень.
Определенное количество жидкости всегда содержится в желудке, при облучении области желудка происходит
нагрев содержимого, вследствие чего возрастает агрессивность желудочного сока, его разъедающая,
переваривающая способность по отношению к собственной стенке, иногда возникают перфорации.
Аналогичным образом действует СВЧ - излучения и на мочевой пузырь, когда нагрев мочи может привести к его перфорации.
Следует отметить, Что СВЧ - излучения действует губительно и на половые клетки.
Distinguish 2 types of biological effects of waves of the microwave range on the body: the so-called thermal
and non thermic effects. Non effect radiowave disease characterized by
asthenic-vegetative syndrome and non-persistent changes in peripheral blood at the beginning, in the future maybe
lead to sharp fluctuations of vascular tone and diencephalic syndrome.
Thermal or heating effect of microwave radiation is that electromagnetic flux
vibrations, falling on the fabric, transformered into heat, resulting in temperature above 50 0C 41
into death (and therefore medical thermometers are graduated only 50 to 42 0C). In acute
the impact of the possible effect instant heat up to boiling, the tissue fluid of the body. If
to put under the radiator arm, the impact energy causes a small sensation of heat, with more
prolonged exposure can you can get such a burn, as with a careless touch to the heated
metal surface.
When impact waves of the microwave affects mostly organs that contain a lot of water, for example - the liver.
A certain amount of liquid is always contained in the stomach, the irradiation region of the stomach occurs
heat content, thereby increasing the aggressiveness of gastric juice, its irritating,
the digestive capacity in relation to their own wall, sometimes perforation.
1-room apartment, the power output of the router is reduced antenna 3 dBi

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Re:Why is it impossible to reduce the transmit power of the router TP-LINK TL-WR741ND?
2016-11-09 06:57:00
Sorry, but this is nonsense.
First of all, your screenshot shows radiation calculated by the WiFi Solver App. It just shows theoretical distribution of radiation of a WiFi device, where lighter color stands for better signal power and dark colors mean loss of signal power. It tells you nothing about absolute values. If you want to measure real radiation, use an application like NetSpot, which shows you absolute values in terms of attenuation. And then do the math.
Next, to increase body temperature by 1° Celsius, you would need a radiation of 100,000,000 µW/m² (100 million µW/m² or 100 W/m²). The specific absorption rate (SAR) of your body is 4 W/kg weight. WiFi devices have a radiation of ~50 to ~100 µW/m² at a distance of 30 centimeters to the antennas (the white area in the screenshot). The sun adds an electromagnetic radiation of 10 µW/m² if you are happy enough to live in a sunny place. I don't know wether you stick the antennas of the TL-WR741ND into your ears or nose, but even then it would cause no harm to your body if not exposed for too long.
Average background radiation in big cities (with lot of GSM/UMTS cells) is typically 50 µW/m², but in very dense areas (lot of GSM base stations concentrated on a single place) it may be up to 10,000 µW/m², which still does not "heat up" your body. At 10,000,000 µW/m² (10 million µW/m²) your body's temperature could increase by 0,1° Celsius. That's 10 times below the 1° Celsius, which is considered harmless. Yelling while arguing with your neighbor about WiFi radiation could heat you up more than this. Compare this to a radio/TV station with a signal power of up to 500,000 W (that is 500,000,000,000 µW) even 10 kilometers away. If you live directly under such a radio/TV station, you could be in serious trouble. BTW: your cell phone's radiation might reach up to 5 W (GSM 900 MHz). I would not keep such a device on my ears for longer than a few minutes, but nowadays I rarely see people using a cell phone to make phone calls, but rather they search for Pokemons on the go or type some nonsense into WhatsApp.
First of all, your screenshot shows radiation calculated by the WiFi Solver App. It just shows theoretical distribution of radiation of a WiFi device, where lighter color stands for better signal power and dark colors mean loss of signal power. It tells you nothing about absolute values. If you want to measure real radiation, use an application like NetSpot, which shows you absolute values in terms of attenuation. And then do the math.
Next, to increase body temperature by 1° Celsius, you would need a radiation of 100,000,000 µW/m² (100 million µW/m² or 100 W/m²). The specific absorption rate (SAR) of your body is 4 W/kg weight. WiFi devices have a radiation of ~50 to ~100 µW/m² at a distance of 30 centimeters to the antennas (the white area in the screenshot). The sun adds an electromagnetic radiation of 10 µW/m² if you are happy enough to live in a sunny place. I don't know wether you stick the antennas of the TL-WR741ND into your ears or nose, but even then it would cause no harm to your body if not exposed for too long.
Average background radiation in big cities (with lot of GSM/UMTS cells) is typically 50 µW/m², but in very dense areas (lot of GSM base stations concentrated on a single place) it may be up to 10,000 µW/m², which still does not "heat up" your body. At 10,000,000 µW/m² (10 million µW/m²) your body's temperature could increase by 0,1° Celsius. That's 10 times below the 1° Celsius, which is considered harmless. Yelling while arguing with your neighbor about WiFi radiation could heat you up more than this. Compare this to a radio/TV station with a signal power of up to 500,000 W (that is 500,000,000,000 µW) even 10 kilometers away. If you live directly under such a radio/TV station, you could be in serious trouble. BTW: your cell phone's radiation might reach up to 5 W (GSM 900 MHz). I would not keep such a device on my ears for longer than a few minutes, but nowadays I rarely see people using a cell phone to make phone calls, but rather they search for Pokemons on the go or type some nonsense into WhatsApp.
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Re:Why is it impossible to reduce the transmit power of the router TP-LINK TL-WR741ND?
2021-08-09 12:42:01
The same thing happened to me once and I tried very hard to fix it, And I did a lot of research on it and I found what I have a problem with which bring me to this GBWhatsApp Apk application which has solved my issue.
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2016-09-11 05:53:12
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