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Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2013-08-28 17:37:33
Re:slave router
Hi. In theory, D-Link DSL-2680 can pick up the signal from the main router TD-W8901G via wire to one of your Homeplugs. And D-Link DSL-2680 needs to be configured as a wireless access point only. You...
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2013-08-28 17:00:47
Re:Modem not booting
Hi. Power cycle the modem will only restart the modem and do not change any settings on the modem, that is why ADSL , power and internet lights remain on. Do you want to reset the modem? If yes, you...
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2013-08-28 10:20:50
Re:FTP server accessible from WAN but not LAN & filezilla problems
Not sure if it is the filezilla issue. To connect to the server from a local computer, you can open the web browser, type in address ftp://LAN IP, press on enter, and then check if you can access the...
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2013-08-28 09:54:12
Re:Problem with 3G USB connection
Actually, the pictures that you have uploaded are too vague to read. Not sure if there exists compatibility issue between TD-W8968 and your 3G USB dongle. And it is highly recommended to upgrade the...
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2013-08-27 17:26:19
Re:DNS SRV support for VoIP in TD-VG3631
Hi. Now is the Internet working? If yes, you can refer to the following FAQ to set up the VOIP connection.
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2013-08-27 16:23:56
Re:Wireless ADSL router not working. 5 led lights keeps on blinking???
Hi. The modem behaves abnormally. In general, the ADSL light should be static on after you plug the ADSL line into the modem. And LAN leds will be off you do not plug Lan cables into the modem. In...