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Forums/ Deco
2024-04-23 07:21:33
Re:Change wifi channel on Deco M9
It's one thing to read in the whole thread, it's another thing to experience all the problems with TP-Link devices. I've got three x60's for quite some time now. Used to blame a lot of the problems...
Forums/ Deco
2021-12-07 11:30:25
Re:Change wifi channel on Deco M9
@Marvin101 Sell the TP-link stuff to someone who lives in a remote area and buy yourself some decent stuff from another brand that does NOT think their customers are a bunch of retards.
Forums/ Deco
2021-08-05 09:52:15
Re:Change wifi channel on Deco M9
@TerenceWong I guess you didn't read the whole thread (although I can't blame you, with such a long thread full of disappointed user messages) but it's just NOT coming as has been confirmed by...
Forums/ Deco
2021-05-17 09:04:08
Re:Change wifi channel on Deco M9
@Sooty1962 Also you could make a habit of placing as much honest reviews at TP-link product sites as possible with references to this thread, warning people of what they will have face when buying...
Forums/ Deco
2021-01-26 07:23:13
Re:Change wifi channel on Deco M9
@Hami I think the only thing we can do right now is report TP-links message as Inappropriate Content (pull down options in the upper right corner of their message) noting that this is NOT a solution...
Forums/ Deco
2021-01-04 08:05:49
It is ridculous. it's using my most congested channel by far. We should be able to use the channel we want to
@Dan_C. And that's what's ridiculous. I have to reboot my Deco X60's about once every two weeks because all the phones and tablets in my household suddenly start to loose internet connection while...