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Forums/ Deco
By Nukos a week ago

Concurrent Users

If I have 6 Deco M4 in a Mesh will my concurrent user capacity be 600 or 100 still?
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By Gibbisan 2 weeks ago

Ethernet connection from router to TV loses internet

My TV (Phillips the one 2023) is connected via ethernet to the router. The TV uses internet okay for a while, but after 3-10 minutes loses internet connection. The ethernet connection is not lost. If
Forums/ WiFi
By Ced2ric 2 weeks ago

Roaming between Wif6 & Wifi5... not working

Hello, I've got a network made of mix of EAP245, EAP225, one EAP650 and one 615-Wall When my laptop are connected on the EAP650 in 802.11ax, it remains connected on this EAP650 with a weak signal even
Forums/ WiFi
By Tomaszs 2 weeks ago

EAP610 US v3 slow WiFi spee

Hi All The wifi speed on my two AP - EAP610 v3 is much slower than expected. I switched from an google wifi router with 2 mesh points which400-500 mbps territory within close proximity when checking o
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By Boihh 3 weeks ago

TP-Link_AX10_V2 Network issue

I recently purchased a TP-Link Archer AX10 v2 and am experiencing high, unstable ping and very poor network speed that fluctuates significantly across 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and 6 GHz networks. Can you help
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By jpb1818 3 weeks ago

AXE75 max number of smart devices?

I have searched for the max number of smart devices that can be connected, and keep finding statements like "it can handle 70" but nothing that states a maximum number. I have about 150 connected to m