2024-09-27 05:54:44
My devices take an ethernity to connect again to the Decos, help!
Hi, I don´t know what could be the problem, but I have all my devices working fine but if I have a power failure or an internet failure then some devices like que Air Conditioner controllers and some
2024-09-24 16:15:11
Is there a way to disable the updates in Decos?
Hi, Just did a downgraded in the firmware of My Decos X55, but when I did it first time it seems some days after the Decos updated automatically to the last firmware So is there a way to disable/block
2024-08-07 04:16:24
Any compatibility problems with Eufy Floodlight Cam S330 and Deco ?
Hi, I am desperate, really hope someone could help me with this... I have an Eufy Floodlight Cam S330 camera and when is connected to my Deco X55 (Main principal Deco) by Wifi (only way to connect it)
2024-08-06 00:30:09
Please help the wifi is making me problems with my
I have some problems with my mesh I have these Decos 3 X55 (one is the main principal, all of them connected by ethernet) 2 X60 (one connected by ethernet and other by Wifi) 1 X50 Outdoor (connected b