
Tapo camera view/control via PC ( windows 10) HELP

  This repeated request has been merged into the main thread Viewing Tapo C200 through Windows 10 PC. Please vote on the main thread.


Tapo camera view/control via PC ( windows 10) HELP

  This repeated request has been merged into the main thread Viewing Tapo C200 through Windows 10 PC. Please vote on the main thread.
96 Reply
Re:Tapo camera view/control via PC ( windows 10) HELP
2023-09-09 15:11:07



Consiglio ContaCam - Software di videosorveglianza (contaware).
ci potete fare tutto. Video sorveglianza locale o anche da remoto con PC o Smartphone.
E' facile da usare con help in linea.
Si può configurare qualunque telecamera basta inserirre la sua stringa rstp.
E' gratis ma è giusto fare un regalo all'autore che lo merita veramente.


Re:Tapo camera view/control via PC ( windows 10) HELP
2023-09-28 15:25:11

  @Richard_T123 hgi



Re:Tapo camera view/control via PC ( windows 10) HELP
2023-11-22 23:37:27


This camera works as a phone camera. Since they do not make a PC application to make money from the cloud, there is no PC program.

Brook wrote

Hello everyone,


Currently, we don’t have camera control software for a PC nor can we view the Tapo camera directly on the web, we can only watch Live View of the Tapo Camera on the Tapo App or sync the camera screen to devices like Echo show, fire TV, etc.


If you want to view the Tapo camera on a PC, you may install third-party software to view and manage the camera, and here are the detailed instructions:


Thank you for your feedback, your feedback will be recorded and forwarded to our team for further evaluation. 


Good day.


Re:Tapo camera view/control via PC ( windows 10) HELP
2023-11-22 23:38:54


This camera works as a phone camera. Since they do not make a PC application to make money from the cloud, there is no PC program.
Re:Tapo camera view/control via PC ( windows 10) HELP
2023-11-24 09:05:11
Re:Tapo camera view/control via PC ( windows 10) HELP
2023-11-24 12:24:45

Richard_T123 wrote

Im realy struggling to find the windows software to control and view a recently puchased the tapo camera, i purchased this camera to replace an older Vstar camera that kept re-setting itself ( amongst other things) and that used software called Eye4 which had Windows  pc software, as well as software for android/apple devices, iove read on here that you need to pay €350 for compatable software???

if this is the case then i will have no toher optoin than to return the device

Richard_T123 wrote

Im realy struggling to find the windows software to control and view a recently puchased the tapo camera, i purchased this camera to replace an older Vstar camera that kept re-setting itself ( amongst other things) and that used software called Eye4 which had Windows  pc software, as well as software for android/apple devices, iove read on here that you need to pay €350 for compatable software???

if this is the case then i will have no toher optoin than to return the device


Re:Tapo camera view/control via PC ( windows 10) HELP
2023-11-29 22:07:34
Re:Tapo camera view/control via PC ( windows 10) HELP
2024-04-07 13:46:50

  @METAL-SERVICE23 is PC software seriously still not available? 

Re:Tapo camera view/control via PC ( windows 10) HELP
2024-05-19 05:54:00
Re:Tapo camera view/control via PC ( windows 10) HELP
2024-05-24 11:28:47



Weirdly, I managed to get my Tapo C70 to work with Agent UI using ONVIF, but then my internet disconnected one day, and I could never get it to work again with ONVIF or RTSP.


But, I just download the free IP CENTCOM and got that to work instantly using RTSP. The app sends you to a website where you tell it your camera and it generates the URL that you copy (which you then adjust for your own IP and login details).
