Using KE100 through Tapo App
I set up my first KE100 (Smart TRV) using the KASA hub . I then noticed that the Tapo App had a KASA tab - so I logged the KASA hub into the Tapo App.
Unfortunately the Tapo App does not allow me to see my KE100 TRV - nor let me connect to any KE100 TRVs.
The KASA app still controls the existing TRV, but no longer shows the hub and will not allow me to connect further TRVs.
Clearly, one option is to remove the hub from the Tapo App and reconnect it to the KASA App. However, I would like to centralise my smart devices (smart plugs & smart TRVs) into a single app.
Q: is there an upgrade planned for the Tapo app that will permit full control of my heating system?