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Forums/ Tapo Smart Sensors
By Evinger 2024-01-18 04:40:22

Humidity accuracy

A strange one involving automation. The specs say Humidity is plus or minus 3% Is this 3% Humidity or 3% of the Value? (As in, 50% could be 48.5% or 51.5%) Because when the automation works, if we set
Forums/ Tapo Smart Hubs
By Evinger 2023-12-30 07:06:22

H100 Automation for P100M not always working

Hi, We are using a TP310 Temperature & humidity sensor connected to an H100 Hub. Using automation, it is controlling a P100M & a P115. One powers a fan, the other a de-humidifier. We have set up tha A
Forums/ Tapo Smart Hubs
By Evinger 2024-01-18 04:23:23

H100 Hub not always triggering P115

We have some automatic on & off settings on our Hub to keep the humidity constant in one small cupboard. The humidity is monitored by T310. At night when the humidity gets over the trigger point, the