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Forums/ Feature Requests
2023-10-17 06:55:32
RE:Tapo C320WS - Option for Video quality /compression
Video quality on C325WB is bad because of high video compression and no option to set it. Camera itself is better than what is visible because of this...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2021-03-30 11:14:42
Re:Archer c6 "no internet access" and sometime not connecting to the wifi saying "limited connection"
@IvoP @Kevin_Z provided you the link.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2021-03-29 08:07:48
Re:Archer c6 "no internet access" and sometime not connecting to the wifi saying "limited connection"
@IvoP Update to V1.3.6 P1 beta firmware and the issue will be fixed.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2021-03-26 12:40:51
Re:Archer c6 "no internet access" and sometime not connecting to the wifi saying "limited connection"
@Kevin_Z It's really got something with VPN connection or MS Teams application! I have disconnected the VPN while in a MS Teams call and the internet stopped working. 2021-03-26 13:20:21...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2021-03-26 06:40:07
Re:Archer c6 "no internet access" and sometime not connecting to the wifi saying "limited connection"
@Kevin_Z Same with me, I have set all to Low, but this still happens occasionally.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2021-03-25 09:23:21
Re:Archer c6 "no internet access" and sometime not connecting to the wifi saying "limited connection"
@Kevin_Z I am a computer software developer, so any activity is a special activity for most users It could be, last time I believe I was connected to VPN and in a MS Teams meeting when it happened.