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Forums/ Deco
2023-01-11 11:01:31
Re:Deco M4R schedule reboot please
@Flaviup You'll have to wait for the 1.6.0 firmware. like Deco M5 and Deco M9 plus, the reboot schedule was not supported until firmware 1.6.0
Forums/ Deco
2023-01-11 08:53:35
Re:Errors at logfile that google can't find...
@OldRon Hi, Here are some of my thoughts: The logs only matter to the software engineer who wrote the codes. If there is no issue with the product, you don't need to worry about it. While if you do...
Forums/ Deco
2023-01-11 08:45:50
Re:Different ping response time on different devices connted on the same Deco M9+
@reysu47 Hi, You could try to turn off "Mesh Technology" for MacBook on the Deco APP. I have seen An Apple expert's comment about the unstable ping on Apple devices and here is the link if you are...
Forums/ Deco
2023-01-06 11:21:30
@PINTUDAS Hi, Deco does not support separate SSIDs yet and maybe you could try the suggestions mentioned here: Does Deco support separate 2.4GHz and 5GHz SSIDs?
Forums/ Deco
2023-01-03 09:34:53
Re:X73 - Device MAC addresses and associated names
@Hawkerpaul It should be stored on the router itself. I think you could also customize the hostname on the clients themselves. Not all devices support it but you should be able to set the device name...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2022-12-30 11:24:00
Re:re705x bad signal
@simnov Hi, How did you find out the RE705X received a worse signal than the TX20u plus?