Kasa Smart Plugs
2023-03-16 19:44:05
@IoTEngineer I must apologize for opening this thread! My mistake was assuming one event in the Schedule setup defined both the start and end time for controlling a plug. It actually represents just...
Kasa Smart Plugs
2023-03-16 06:01:57
@IoTEngineer In answer to your question about what the plug does when programmed. It's hard to tell, but basically today when I tried it again nothing happened. The plug stayed off the whole time...
Kasa Smart Plugs
2023-03-16 05:56:20
@Solla-topee Thank you for your reply and questions. Here are the hardware and firmware/software details you requested: iPhone: S/W: 15.6.1 iPhone SE Model: MHGE3LL/A iPad software: S/W 15.7.1 Model:...
Kasa Smart Plugs
2023-03-15 16:48:20
I just bought some HS103 plugs yesterday and when setting up the schedule for two of them I encounter the same problem for both. I wanted the plug to turn on at Sundown to control a lamp. I wanted it...