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Forums/ Tapo Robot Vacuums
2023-09-14 06:31:59
Re:Tapo RV30 Plus - Abnormal cleaning algorithm behaviour & scheduling issues & feature requests
@Wayne-TP Hi, Yes, still have it from time to time until I clear out the vacuum bag. I remember I've talked to your engineer? Needs diagnostic firmware running on it.
Forums/ Tapo Robot Vacuums
2023-08-24 08:41:05
Re:Tapo RV30 Plus - Abnormal cleaning algorithm behaviour & scheduling issues & feature requests
@Mandas Had been testing this for few months now, overall am satisfied. Have talked to engineers with issues I had at the start, such as weird circle navigation on the map. It appears after few...
Forums/ Tapo Robot Vacuums
2023-07-16 18:47:18
Re:Tapo RV30 Plus - Abnormal cleaning algorithm behaviour & scheduling issues & feature requests
@Mandas Update on the scheduling, path, bug, mopping. Have been sharing some details in the background with one of the engineers, as the weird cleaning paths do re-appear from time to time. So far...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Hubs
2023-07-16 18:18:32
Re:Can't connect tapo devices to the h200 hub
I've just got a H200 hub and seems like the options to add devices are very limited from the whole Tapo eco-system. Are smart-plugs and robot vacuums going to be added to the hub? In my case I've got...
Forums/ Tapo Robot Vacuums
2023-06-30 17:44:04
Re:Tapo RV30 Plus - Abnormal cleaning algorithm behaviour & scheduling issues & feature requests
Hi, Firstly thank you for getting in touch and forwarding the details over, I enjoy TP-Link / Tapo products so don't mind from time to time doing some tests and sending you some info in order to...
Forums/ Tapo Robot Vacuums
2023-06-29 23:06:50
Tapo RV30 Plus - Abnormal cleaning algorithm behaviour & scheduling issues & feature requests
Hi, Have raised this thread in order to highlight the issues, that I, as a customer, am experiencing. This thread isn't to blame and ruin the product, it is to highlight the issues so that they can...