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Forums/ Feature Request (Routers)
2024-04-17 22:00:49
Re:Url blocking
@Sunshine Please provide a solution to block keywords for any device on my network if it is even possible in parental controls. I do not want to block a specific device or even select it. I want to...
Forums/ Feature Request (Routers)
2024-04-14 21:23:47
Re:Url blocking
@Sunshine I have read up on the parental controls and I have tried using it to block a url with the keywords. This only allows me to block the keyword for LAN devices and none of my WIFI devices show...
Forums/ Feature Request (Routers)
2024-04-07 22:19:34
Url blocking
Please bring back the options under access control to block websites or just simply add a function to block certain urls. On older TP-Link devices you were able to block websites, urls and domains...