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Forums/ Controllers
2024-05-08 03:35:33
Re:Wireless Bridge Controller Migration
@d0ugmac1 Thanks for the reply! We went ahead and "migrated" the bridge. Did it lose its configuration on both the main and sub EAP? Sure did! Did the bridge go down? Yes. But we did not have to get...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-05-06 21:52:23
Wireless Bridge Controller Migration
Hello - we are working to separate 2 companies that were once one. Doing so requires us moving their devices to another controller one of which is a wireless bridge; EAP215-Bridge Kit. Having moved...
Forums/ WiFi
2024-05-02 23:07:31
Re:EAP215-Bridge Kit - Bridges drop at least once per day
@d0ugmac1 60GHz will more than likely be the move. Thanks for the input and chat. @TP-link get on the 60GHz bandwagon please!
Forums/ WiFi
2024-05-01 21:36:26
Re:EAP215-Bridge Kit - Bridges drop at least once per day
@d0ugmac1 Im 100% thinking the same. We're in a very noisy RF area. Next to an small airport, industrial complex, also there is a wireless broadband provider in the middle of the complex. I was...
Forums/ WiFi
2024-05-01 16:05:22
Re:EAP215-Bridge Kit - Bridges drop at least once per day
@d0ugmac1 Yes - I am in USA. As for channels - no they are not on the same channnel. Bridge 1: Bridge 2:
Forums/ WiFi
2024-05-01 15:39:29
Re:EAP215-Bridge Kit - Bridges drop at least once per day
Thanks for the reply @d0ugmac1. The Mem and CPU were normal. I was thinking the same as well, overutilization. I've rate limit the switch port for each uplink/downlink to the bridges to 50mbps and...