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Forums/ General Discussion
3 weeks ago
Re:Sharing files with remote computer on LAN
Hi Joseph, The setup is ISP modem TP router, PC through ethernet cables. My laptop is accessing the ISP modem via WiFii. The windows explorer I mentioned is actually the File explorer folder within...
Forums/ General Discussion
3 weeks ago
Sharing files with remote computer on LAN
I have a Windows 11 computer connected direct to my router via an ethernet cable. I want to share files with it from my Laptop, also running Windows 11. The directly connected compute does not appear...
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2024-07-02 07:22:14
Re:Router provided by my Internet provider - Unable to access to alter DNS settings
Thank you Marvin_S, but your reply was not helpful. I cannot even log on to the router from my ISP, let alone use a username and password.
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2024-07-01 18:51:58
Router provided by my Internet provider - Unable to access to alter DNS settings
I have a subscription to Smart DNS proxy and have no trouble accessing UK content on my devices here in Spain. However I want to watch BBC iPlayer content on my Samsung smart TV. The BBC iPlayer...