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Forums/ Feature Requests
15 hours ago
RTSP /Stream2 lower resolution option
Hi The D235 and the C225 have a /stream2 resolution set at 1280x960 However, for reference the C310 and TC65 have a very handy /stream2 resolution of 640x360 The lower resolution of the secondary...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
20 hours ago
Re:Unstable Network despite full WiFi signal
Hihi - @SilentBill > 2. Current RSSI value is -67 That seems WAY too weak for that range. I mean, -67 should still be 'OK' but I would personally get that down before troubleshooting further. FYI,...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
ISSUE - DUP Ping responses from Tapo D235
Hi I've just installed a Tapo D235 doorbell (hard-wired to 8v). I already have several other Tapo cameras wired, and wireless but for the sake of this question/report I will compare to one of my C225...