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Forums/ WiFi
2020-04-04 11:23:11
Re:increase the WLAN range
@Peterzz You're welcome. By the way, the Ethernet port is limited to 100 Mbps in your access point, so that's the maximum speed you would get. You wouldn't get much more speed repeating the WiFi...
Forums/ WiFi
2020-04-04 11:09:24
Re:increase the WLAN range
@Peterzz Yes, you may use the same SSID/password , even the same for 2.4GHz and 5GHz. In theory, a device should connect to the best radio station. And that's usually true in practice if you're not...
Forums/ WiFi
2020-04-04 10:51:28
Re:increase the WLAN range
@Peterzz In general it's better to use it as access point because the wired connection is better than the WiFi signal you would "repeat".
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-04-04 07:30:06
Re:Archer C7 wall mountable?
@DGedye Promotional pictures show all antennas in perfect 90° because it's more pleasant to look at, more streamlined and easier to understand proportions. Also, they make the most of the image space...
Forums/ Access Points
2020-04-03 16:07:02
Re:Help setting up access point using Specific IP range/DNS servers/Gateway
@Kryptix There's another option should you need to connect more than six devices and isolate your devices from others'. That would be using the router as router instead of just access point. You...
Forums/ Access Points
2020-04-03 15:28:53
Re:Help setting up access point using Specific IP range/DNS servers/Gateway
@Kryptix My understanding is that your network doesn't have DHCP, right? I mean, you have to setup your PC manually, don't you? If that's the case, IP should be manually set. Smart IP tries to get it...