Wi-Fi Routers
2022-07-31 12:20:15
VPN server
I have been trying to set up a VPN server on this router using tplinkdns but when trying to access via my android phone i always get the message "unsuccessful", I also tried using no-ip and that works
Wi-Fi Routers
2022-07-12 20:51:38
El router tp-link AX23 AX1800 me brinda el 50% de velocidad
Estimada comunidad, buen dia! Acabo de comprar hace unos días el router tp-link AX23 AX1800 para poder tener una correcta conexion de 100MBPS. Sin embargo, me he dado cuenta que si tengo activada la r
General Discussion
2020-09-30 16:33:40
Can't register my product
Hi guys! When i try to register my product, I can't change the country from US to Portugal and he cannot find my Serial Number... can someone help me please?
General Discussion
2020-04-07 05:58:09
How to control a TPLINK router with a python script
I wanted to know whether there is a tool that allows me to connect to a router and shut it down, and then reboot it from a python script. I know that if I write in a python script: import os and then
Kasa Smart Bulbs
2021-01-04 06:54:35
Voice Control for Smart Homes
Voice control realizes communication between humans and devices through language. That is, we can talk with devices to get corresponding services, making device control more intelligent and convenient