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Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
By chengfatt 2019-02-01 02:20:33

HS110 Ver 2.0 Randomly turns off/on

Hi. I have a HS110 home plug that randomly (and very quickly) turns off and on when the plug is in on mode. The opposite does not happen (means if it's off, it's off). Bought the plug in Sept 2018. An
Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
By Solla-topee 2021-04-25 09:26:49

Kasa devices reboot randomly

Updated 5/13 : added beta for HS100 (EU)V4 This Article Applies to: HS103, HS210, HS220, HS200, KP303, KP400,KP105,KL110,KL130,HS300 Some customers may find that some of their Kasa devices would rando