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Forums/ Switches
By Belisarius 2018-12-13 17:13:08


Hello , I created a vLan ( EdgeRouter-X and TL-SG108E) Do you know why the Trunk's speed port on PORT 1 is only 10 and not 1000 ? Thanks for any suggestion
Forums/ Pharos Wireless Bridges
By KresnaNET 2018-12-03 16:29:13

Firmware 2.1.14 for WBS210 v1.20

I need firmware 2.1.14 for wbs210 v1.20. can I use firmware cpe210 v2? because this firmware is very stable.
Forums/ Switches
By Anahaym 2018-10-30 15:37:27

VLAN T1600G-28TS

Hello, I have created a VLAN 4 on the T1600G-28TS and assigned this VLAN to some ports. Two Laptops are connected to these ports but they can't communicate with each other. They even don't see the MAC