More VLAN tagging options & ability to create additional Wi-Fi APs
It would be useful if there were more VLAN options available along with the ability to create additional Wi-FI APs for different VLANs
An example is IPTV, you have internet and IPTV coming in on the same connection and you'd typically have their router forward the WAN and broadcast a Wi-Fi for the TV boxes (which is usually a weak signal)
It's possible to forward the IPTV VLAN out the second port of the router, but then you lose the ability to use that for a wired network.
It would be nice if you could forward the tagged traffic from WAN as tagged traffic to the LAN as well as having the ability to create additional APs tagged to specific VLAN IDs.
It's possible to do this by adding in a small managed switch and using that to split the VLANs and tag them, but that's clunky at best and still doesn't solve the issue of not being able to create a separate Wi-Fi AP for that VLAN.
It'd be a lot more convenient to just use a simple media converter to go from the fiber to the Deco and not even have to deal with signal issues from their solution.