Playstation portal error with Archer AXE75

Playstation portal error with Archer AXE75

Playstation portal error with Archer AXE75
Playstation portal error with Archer AXE75
2025-01-01 16:17:26
Tags: #Port Forwarding #playstation portal
Model: Archer AXE75  
Hardware Version: V1
Firmware Version: 1.2.2

A little bit of background.


my current provider is Virgin Media 250mbs


up until last week i installed the new Archer router which the VM box in modem mode.


my portal was working fine up until yesterday afternoon, now it gives me internet error ever 10seconds or so.

my PS5 in hard wired into port 1 and im sat 6-7ft away from both the router and the ps5

Today i have given the PS5 a address reservation under dchp server, and ive since port forwarded the following ports


however the above still hasnt solved my problem


if anyone has any ideas that would be great









