Archer C2600 not picking up IP from Arris TG862G
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Hello all, thanks for reading.
I own an Archer C2600 router, and have been provided with an Arris TG862G gateway by Comcast, for use with a gigabit home connection. My previous modem was a Netgear CM400.
I was provided with the Arris about a month ago, and until recently both the Arris and the Archer broadcast independent, but connection-positive signals. I thought they may have been conflicting with each other, so I enabled bridge mode on the Arris, making the signal from the Archer the only connection-positive one. This worked for a few days, until the signal from the Archer suddenly stopped carrying a connection, with the corresponding light on the device turning amber, and the Archer not being assigned an IP.
I have performed a factory reset on both devices, with no change in issue. Comcast has also been out and replaced the Arris unit, and the technician mentioned the Arris units have a firmware issue that affects bridge mode functionality, however wifi is still connection-positive from this device.
Can anyone think of any fixes? I'm going to try to update the Archer's firmware as well today, and am looking to get a new modem if needed.
Thank you for your time.