Archer C7 AC1750 v2 - No longer connects to usb hdd via SMB after updating.
I just noticed that there was an update (180114) for my Archer C7 v2 router. After updating, I'm no longer able to connect to my usb hdd via SMB. In the patch notes I saw that SMBv2 is now supported, but I'm not sure how I should now be connecting to my USB Hdd on my Mac. Previously I've been connecting via "smb://ip address/share folder/" but on the latest firmware when I try to connect it refuses to accept my password. I downgraded back to 170525 and I can access the drive with no issues.
This FAQ provided by TP-Link is what I used to set up the USB access.
Archer C7 v2 Firmware Download
Any help would be greatly appreciated.