Device IP addresses
Couple of questions:
1. Where can I see the IP addresses of devices connected to my X20 system? From the Deco app (iPhone) I see the list of devices by name, but no addresses. From the Home page, if I select More -> Advanced, I just see a few options like Fast Roaming, Beam Forming, LED Control, etc. - nothing about IPs or Address Reservation like I've seen in screenshots posted in this forum. Where is it?
2. My base unit X20 is plugged into a router. Mesh is in AP mode. I log into the base unit via my brower using its IP. But I just get a tab labelled "Opening" and spinning icon -- nothing else.
3. Like many others, the Deco app frequently shows nodes as being disconnected, even though their status LEDs are greeen. Refreshing does nothing. So are these nodes functioning or are their nearby devices forced to (trying to) connect via the base unit? How could I tell?
4. Like many others, nodes occassionally go from green to blinking red, then back to green after 10's of minutes. Might not happen for days, might happen a couple times per day. Nodes are wirelessly connected but NOT at the limits of wifi signal.
This Deco system feels like its still a work in progress and is very fragile.