AX20 5G SSID disappeared - crash by Ring Door Pro?
Only got Archer AX20 v1.20 yesterday. (works well while it works)
Today I was reconnecting my Ring Door Pro to the new router's 5G SSID when it timed out.
I came back inside and family was saying the 5G SSID disappeared. (2.4G SSID and Ethernet still work fine)
After reboot of the router 5G SSID re-appeared.
I checked System Log and it cleared everything after a reboot!! How am I going to troubleshoot what went wrong?
2020-10-15 12:54:11 NAT INFO [8351] FTP ALG enabled
2020-10-15 12:54:10 Traffic Statistics INFO [7428] Clear all stats because time changed
2020-10-15 12:54:10 Led Controller INFO [1131] Start to run NIGHT
2020-03-26 00:00:36 NAT INFO [8351] Initialization succeeded