Upside-Down Mounting options for WiFi router
Currently my router is sitting on the floor. Not the best location. My house is 2400sqft, 4 levels. Each level is more of a half level (each level only taking up a small portion of the 'earth footprint'). The floor/level that i would like to mount this is sort of a middle level. I am wondering what mounting this router 'upside down' to the ceiling would do for reception? As long as it doesnt decrease I am good. Most of the internet use is web surfing (3 kids, 3 TVs, and 2 adults). I am a full time remote worker for instructional design/development (plus educational game dev). My development computer is connected via one of the gigabit wired ports out of the router. So I am not worried.
You see wireless nodes connected to the ceilings of many office complexes. I only question this as the A20 has antennas that point UP when the box is sitting correct.