Two easy requests for future updates. Please.

Two easy requests for future updates. Please.

Two easy requests for future updates. Please.
Two easy requests for future updates. Please.
2024-03-23 15:09:13

For some reason I was unable to enter into the fields of this post my model of Deco. I have the DECO M5 running the most current firmware too.


Request 1: When adding devices there is no camera icon to choose as a graphic icon and I am unable to choose a light bulb graphic icon. Could you make a camera graphic icon and a the light bulb graphic icon? Heck use the same light bulb graphic icon the app Deco already uses & has access to when a bulb is part of a bridge. That would be great and easy.


Request 2: When choosing the Scan for Camera option could a popup occur to inform users of the feature for what kinds of cameras are searched for and when no cameras are found that it does not mean there are no cameras in the house.


i have 3 cameras that the app continues to not find and inform. And they are not new, they have been around for years. 

Users of said feature, for what ever reason, believe when no values from the search is returned, I.e. I found no cameras, then there are no cameras secretly or when they have been made aware.


Example: The RING Doorbell has a camera. When I bring it into the house to charge I sometimes forget to  place it camera down.  I then notice all the people traffic that has passed by the device and been recorded. If I did a scan for cameras and the app says none, but someone has an old Ring Doorbell cam in their home acting like a security cam then I'd expect a Find A Cam search to inform there is a Ring DoorBell Cam. Reporting back the app found no cam needs to say "Found no cam. There could still be hidden cams in the building."


Two easy updates. Thank you.
