Xe75 Main Unit with XE200s
Hi everyone,
A bit of a noob here. I live in a bit of a larger home that happens to be pre-wired. I have an xe75 as the main unit in the basement where all my wiring is and 4 additional xe75s through the house all wired backhaul. My brother is taking all but 1 xe75 from me for his house so I purchased 4 xe200s at a great deal on Amazon to replace.
My question is, can I keep the xe75 as the main in the basement and use the xe200s throughout the house without any performance issue? I wasn't sure if this setup would create a performance issue because the xe75 is inferior to the xe200, but maybe that doesn't matter because of the wired setup.
I have 1 gb connection with Verizon.
Thanks so much everyone.