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Forums/ Range Extenders
2020-12-24 08:23:43
Re:Unable to connect to WiFi extender: Incorrect Password
Reset the extender to set the username and password to its default witch is found on the back of the extender.
Forums/ Range Extenders
2020-12-24 08:22:11
Re:Unable to connect to WiFi extender: Incorrect Password
Use the password on the back of your extender. If that still does not work, reset the extender and try again.
Forums/ Range Extenders
2020-12-24 08:21:02
Re:Unable to connect to WiFi extender: Incorrect Password
This is the right answer.
Forums/ Range Extenders
2020-12-24 08:19:41
Re:Unable to connect to WiFi extender: Incorrect Password
@YazD148 reset the extender then configure to your modem again and when you go to login in to the extender use the password in the back of your extender.
Forums/ Apps
2020-12-22 19:54:16
Re:Incorrect password trying to log in to Archer VR900 from Android Tether App
@StarCruiser what worked for me is resetting the extender, then using the default username and password on the back of the extender instead of your login info to the app.