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Forums/ Deco
2022-07-08 19:36:22
Re:Replacing Cable Modem in DECO S4 Mesh Network
@Pdriver Pdriver wrote @Ozzboy what settings do you have for the MG7550 and S4? Cannot get my S4 to see the MG7550? Soon after I installed the TP-Link Mesh wireless network I replaced my MG7550 for...
Forums/ Deco
2022-02-07 13:58:27
Re:Unable to use wi-fi Printer
@TP-Link All my devices, computers (2 iMacs) and IOS devices are all recognized on my Deco S4 mesh wi-fi network. The Epson printer is not recognized by the network. When I try to add the the Epson...
Forums/ Deco
2022-02-06 14:49:00
Unable to use wi-fi Printer
After setting up Deco S4 mesh wi-fi network everything is working fine except my Epson Artisan 730 wif-fi printer is no longer recognized on my home Mac wi-fi network. When trying to add the printer...
Forums/ Deco
2022-01-15 21:37:59
Replacing Cable Modem in DECO S4 Mesh Network
I will be replacing my Motorola MG7550 cable modem with a Motorola MB8600 cable modem. My newly installed Deco S4 mesh network is working just fine but want to upgrade the cable modem. Once I get the...