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Forums/ Deco
2022-04-25 14:36:04
Re:Deco M9 having issues connecting to sslvpn
@David-TP Ok, thank you. I'm using Spectrum as an ISP, the modem is a Hitron E31N2V1. I'm going to be out of town until Saturday, so I won't be able to do any additional troubleshooting until then....
Forums/ Deco
2022-04-24 09:59:09
Re:Deco M9 having issues connecting to sslvpn
@David-TP Hi, the tl-r600 wasn't connected to my network until recently as a means of testing a wired connection. Fast roaming is off, though I hadn't tried disabling beamforming. All the connections...
Forums/ Deco
2022-04-22 02:02:54
Deco M9 having issues connecting to sslvpn
Both my wife and I have been having fairly consistent issues connecting to our separate work vpn's over my Deco M9. I've ruled out issues with the network connection, running continuous pings on my...